Sunday, December 29, 2019

List of Elements in the Lathanide Group

The lanthanides or lanthanoid series is a group of transition metals located on the periodic table in the first row (period) below the main body of the table. The lanthanides are commonly referred to as the rare earth elements (REE), although many people group scandium and yttrium together under this label as well. Therefore, its less confusing to call the lanthanides a subset of the rare earth metals. The Lanthanides Heres a list of the 15 elements that are lanthanides, which run from atomic number 57 (lanthanum, or Ln) and 71 (lutetium, or Lu): Lanthanum: symbol Ln, atomic number 57Cerium: symbol Ce, atomic number 58Praseodymium: symbol Pr, atomic number 59Neodymium: symbol Nd, atomic number 60Promethium: symbol Pm, atomic number 61Samarium: symbol Sm, atomic number 62Europium: symbol Eu, atomic number 63Gadolinium: symbol Gd, atomic number 64Terbium: symbol Tb, atomic number 65Dysprosium: symbol Dy, atomic number 66Holmium: symbol Ho, atomic number 67Erbium: symbol Er, atomic number 68Thulium: symbol Tm, atomic number 69Ytterbium: symbol Yb, atomic number 70Lutetium: symbol Lu, atomic number 71 Note that sometimes lanthanides are considered to be the elements following lanthanum on the periodic table, making it a group of 14 elements. Some references also exclude lutetium from the group because it has a single valence electron in the 5d shell. Properties of the Lanthanides Because the lanthanides are all transition metals, these elements share common characteristics. In pure form, they are bright, metallic, and silvery in appearance. The most common oxidation state for most of these elements is 3, although 2 and 4 are also generally stable. Because they can have a variety of oxidation states, they tend to form brightly colored complexes. Lanthanides are reactive—readily forming ionic compounds with other elements. For instance, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, and europium react with oxygen to form oxide coatings or tarnish after brief exposure to air. Because of their reactivity, pure lanthanides are stored in an inert atmosphere, such as argon, or kept under mineral oil. Unlike other most other transition metals, the lanthanides tend to be soft, sometimes to the point where they can be cut with a knife. Additionally, none of the elements occurs free in nature. When moving across the periodic table, the radius of the 3 ion of each successive element decreases; this phenomenon is called lanthanide contraction. With the exception of lutetium, all of the lanthanide elements are f-block elements, referring to the filling of the 4f electron shell. Although lutetium is a d-block element, its usually considered a lanthanide because it shares so many chemical properties with the other elements in the group. Surprisingly, even though the elements are called rare earth elements, they arent particularly scarce in nature. However, its difficult and time-consuming to isolate them from each other from their ores, adding to their value. Lastly, lanthanides are valued for their use in electronics, particularly television and monitor displays. They are also used in lighters, lasers, and superconductors, and to color glass, make materials phosphorescent, and even control nuclear reactions. A Note About Notation The chemical symbol Ln may be used to refer to any lanthanide in general, not specifically the element lanthanum. This may be confusing, especially in situations where lanthanum itself isnt considered a member of the group!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Swot Analysis Of P G - 895 Words

The consumer products business is determined altogether by three essential demographic elements: population growth, household formation, and household income. These components are currently driving solid development in large portions of the organization’s developing markets including China and Russia. The GDPs of these economies are relied to develop rate later on. In China and Russia, PG is utilizing its portfolio of heading brands to draw in, form and grow a system of distributors. Presently its distributor system in China reaches at around 800 million individuals. In Russia, it now has an entry to 80% of the population. Therefore, with its extending distribution system, PG could tackle opportunities in these two nations to upgrade its market share and also balance out its top line development. PG is pursuing a clearly drafted development plan. According to its plans, the organization has reorganized its Asian operations into one central station from three. It is applying this model to different countries as well. Further, it intends to streamline its overall portfolio, by as much as 25% through 2012. And in the meantime, it is building production facilities in 18 developing nations throughout the following four years. Right now PG s products are utilized by 3.5 billion individuals around the world. This growth plans will increase Pg s span to an extra 1 billion of the world s 6.5 billion consumers by 2010. Thus pursuing a clearly drafted growth plans is likely toShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis of PG1235 Words   |  5 PagesSWOT ANALYSIS OF P and G P and G is one of the largest consumer goods company in the world. It markets 300+ brands in more than 180 countries. P and G is engaged in diverse products like beauty, health, fabric, snacks and many more. P and G’s leading market position with its strong brand portfolio provides it with a significant competitive advantage. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Coal Industrys Ethical Analysis Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

The energy industry is more relevant today than of all time before. A As modern engineering evolves, we have become an energy dependent society triping increased demand that we ne’er anticipated or could hold predicted. Energy has become a necessity in virtually every country of life from agribusiness, transit, waste aggregation, information engineering and communications ; all of which are critical constituents for most functional societies. We will write a custom essay sample on Coal Industrys Ethical Analysis Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The energy industry is made up of many different subsets, which include crude oil, natural gas, coal, atomic, and renewable energy. Harmonizing to the United States Energy Information Administration, the oil and gas industry histories for most of the market, providing more than 60 % of the entire energy consumed. The coal industry follows, claiming 20 % of the industry ‘s market portion ( United States Energy Information Administration ) . These industries face uninterrupted argument sing their production and gross revenues, particularly here in the United States. â€Å" The United States is one of the universe ‘s biggest consumers of energy and the energy industry is the 3rd largest industry within our state † ( Select USA ) . This contention has generated a batch of promotion for this industry, due to the increased usage and demand for energy as a whole. With more accent being placed on energy efficiency and the environment, the media has heightened involvement and visibleness by concentrating more on the negative facets and sensationalizing the issues that surround this industry. In this subdivision we are traveling to take a closer expression at the coal industry, look intoing some of the ethical issues associated with coal. Coal Industry A A Throughout history coal has been an abundant and indispensable resource, particularly for us in the United States. We most normally use it to bring forth electricity and heat. Coal generates more than 42 % of our electricity, with about 600 coal-fueled power workss countrywide every bit good as straight and indirectly using over 550,000 persons in the United States entirely. ( America ‘s Power ) . We can non ignore the fact that coal is a major subscriber to our society and about everyone benefits from its usage ; nevertheless, unlike most other industries, coal faces a battalion of ethical issues. These issues can be broken down into three classs, environmental, societal, and sustainability. Coal creates many challenges for the environment. The most noteworthy 1 has to make with air pollution and specifically carbon emanations. When burned, coal emits high degrees of C dioxide, the chief nursery gas that causes planetary heating. It besides emits other toxic pollutants to the air when burned which include sulfur dioxide, N oxides, particulate affair, and quicksilver ( Union of Concerned Scientists ) . In add-on to fouling the air, coal can besides foul H2O beginnings, chiefly during the waste direction procedure. Coal besides creates immense sums of solid waste, which include fly ash and coal sludge. This waste contains arsenic, quicksilver, Cr, Cd, and other metals that are all harmful to the environment ( Union of Concerned Scientists ) . These are merely a few of the many illustrations of the negative environmental impacts related to coal. A The coal industry besides faces many societal challenges ; nevertheless, at this clip we are merely traveling to concentrate on the wellness jeopardies related to coal and employee safety. Working in the coal industry environment for an drawn-out period of clip can do legion wellness jobs, such as respiratory issues ( bronchitis, asthma onslaughts, etc. ) , black lung, congestive bosom failure, and some signifiers of malignant neoplastic disease. Typically workers get these diseases through the extraction, readying, burning, waste storage, and transit of coal ( SourceWatch ) . In add-on, the general populace can besides be affected by emanations from coal-fueled power workss. Employee safety is another societal concern that surrounds the coal industry and justifiably so. This type of industry involves the usage of heavy equipment in unsafe environments, which creates several safety jeopardies. Fire, detonation, the release of gas and structural failure are some of the other safety ha zards associated with coal. Overall, excavation is a really unsafe occupation necessitating workers to be good trained, extremely watchful and cognizant of their work environment at all times. Finally allow ‘s discuss sustainability. There are recent figures that show the coal industry is in diminution. This is the consequence of new authorities ordinances and regulations, which are seeking to diminish C emanations ( Plumer ) . The industry is seeking to turn to these concerns. â€Å" Continuous betterments in engineering have dramatically reduced or eliminated many of the environmental impacts traditionally associated with the usage of coal † ( World Coal Association ) . Another ground for the recent diminution is the â€Å" recent inflow of inexpensive natural gas to the United States † ( Plumer ) . A With the issues and challenges confronting the coal industry today, it appears the hereafter of coal expressions reasonably inexorable. Pressures Confronting Coal Industry Due to pollution and other dangers caused by the coal industry, environmental groups and authorities ordinances are conveying force per unit area. Both environmental groups and authorities ordinances are forcing the coal industry to be â€Å" cleaner † by bring forthing energy that creates small injury for the environment. As a consequence of these force per unit areas, the coal industry may happen itself losing net incomes or may even happen itself being replaced by beginnings of cleaner energy. A The most popular environmental group forcing the coal industry is the Greenpeace group, as they are the â€Å" largest independent direct-action environmental organisation in the universe † ( â€Å" † ) . Some actions by Greenpeace include the start of an Energy Revolution which includes a â€Å" Quit Coal Campaign † . Harmonizing to the Greenpeace web site, this run encourages renewable energy and battles to extinguish the usage of coal because, â€Å" a 3rd of all C dioxide emissions come from firing coal † ( â€Å" † ) . Along with Greenpeace, there are many other environmental groups that have been prosecuting the coal industry for many old ages and harmonizing to recent articles in The New York Times, these activist groups â€Å" have moved in for the putting to death † ( â€Å" Coal † ) . Militant groups in resistance to the coal industry can even be found on the Virginia Tech campus. Greenpeace at Virginia Tech and VT Beyond Coal are two major groups on campus that are contending for a better environment. Harmonizing to the web site of VT Beyond Coal, the campus power works burns 46,000 dozenss of coal ( â€Å" VT Beyond Coal † ) . VT Beyond Coal has started a request that is committed to transitioning VT ‘s coal works to 100 % clean and renewable energy by 2020. A This request to â€Å" Invent a clean hereafter † is portion of a motion that involves over 60 universities in the United States and the motion has ends to change over campuses to clean energy ( â€Å" VT Beyond Coal † ) . Along with force per unit areas from militant groups, ordinances imposed by the Environmental Protection Agency are going stricter and progressively complex. A recent article from Yahoo Finance studies that the Environmental Protection Agency is presently working with President Obama to increase ordinances on coal ( â€Å" Coal Stocks Fall Sharply as More Regulations Feared † ) . A Yahoo Finance besides states that the EPA â€Å" has imposed bounds on pollutants such as C dioxide, quicksilver and S dioxide, which have made it more expensive for public-service corporation companies to fire coal for energy coevals. † As a consequence of the ordinances, some coal workss have experienced closings due to increased operating costs. Along with doing coal works retirement, the expectancy of increased ordinance besides led Yahoo Finance to describe that â€Å" coal stocks across the board fell aggressively † ( â€Å" Coal Stocks Fall Sharply as More Regulations Feared â €  ) . Although coal has seen a diminution in popularity, studies from The New York Times have revealed that â€Å" the planetary demand for coal is expected to turn to 8.9 billion dozenss by 2016 † ( â€Å" Coal † ) . Even though there is still demand for coal, The New York Times reports that coal is on the diminution and â€Å" provides about a 3rd of the state ‘s power, merely four old ages ago it was supplying about half † ( â€Å" Coal † ) . Activist organisations every bit good as ordinances have contributed to the diminution in coal ‘s laterality and the coal industry may happen its companies losing net incomes or even happen itself being replaced by cleaner beginnings of energy if coal can non be more environmentally friendly. A Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Because there are a figure of ethical issues confronting the coal industry, coal companies have been working to better the societal and environmental impact of their activities. Peabody Energy and Arch Coal are good known in the industry for their impressive corporate societal activities. Peabody Energy is one of the largest private sector coal companies worldwide. It is Peabody Energy ‘s mission to be â€Å" a prima worldwide manufacturer and provider of sustainable energy solutions that enable economic prosperity and a better quality of life ( â€Å" Peabody Energy: Corporate Responsibility † ) . As portion of their corporate duty, they have been turn toing issues in employee, economic, public, and environmental duties. Peabody stresses its â€Å" Safety Vision † of forestalling incidents, occupational unwellnesss, and belongings harm. Because of the importance the company places on safety, attempts have been made in Peabody ‘s planetary workss to increase safety in the workplace by using studies and appraisals to have feedback from their employees. Peabody initiated the installment of an belowground communications system to ease communicating between mineworkers belowground and mineworkers stationed above land in 2011. This betterment gave the belowground mineworkers faster entree to deliver squads in the event of an incident. Peabody has â€Å" about 65 safety Chamberss installed at Peabody ‘s belowground operations with supplies such as O, nutrient, and H2O, in the event of an exigency † ( â€Å" Peabody Energy: CSR Report † 24 ) . Keeping safety as the company ‘s extreme precedence, Peabody offers a preparation plan, â€Å" Safety a Way of Life † whi ch is directed towards employees to easy transition into Peabody ‘s safety systems and procedures. A A A A A A A In add-on to employee duty, Peabody Energy believes in the importance of continuing the environment and utilizing sustainable patterns. The cardinal rule of their mission is to â€Å" go forth the land in a status equal to or better than we found it † ( â€Å" Peabody Energy: CSR Report † 34 ) . A Peabody has been happening better patterns to reconstruct lands, wildlife home grounds, hardwood woods, and wetlands. â€Å" In 2011 Peabody restored more than 5,100 estates of land and planted more than 360,000 trees ( â€Å" Peabody Energy: CSR Report † 36 ) . Presently, Peabody has a recycling and waste direction plan intended for the reuse of the waste produced from coal excavation activities. The company was able to increase â€Å" the volume of recycled lubricating oil by more than 100 per centum † ( â€Å" Peabody Energy: CSR Report 38 ) . As a planetary leader in clean coal excavation solutions, Peabody has been researching and puting in b etter patterns related to clean coal engineerings in the countries of nursery gas strength, emanations strength, and C policy. An illustration of their undertaking is with the U.S Geological Survey in 2006. A Peabody and the U.S Geological Survey combined attempts â€Å" to mensurate methane content and desorption testing in big surface mines † ( â€Å" Peabody Energy: CSR Report † 39 ) . A A A A A A A Like Peabody Energy, Arch Coal has been concentrating on the same countries of duties in safety and environmental conditions. Like the attempts of Peabody, safety is a precedence to Arch Coal therefore the company has been working to happen betterments of doing the working environment safer for employees. The company promotes the â€Å" Perfect Zero † rule of nothing hurts and zero environmental misdemeanors. Harmonizing to Arch Coal ‘s CSR Report, the company has invested $ 14 million in a bipartisan communicating and tracking system to forestall accidents in belowground mines ( Arch Coal, Inc. ) . Arch Coal has been doing attempts to happen more advanced coal engineerings solutions that target planetary nursery emanations and the decrease of airborne emanations. Coal companies are more active in their corporate societal duties than of all time earlier. Because the industry itself is so unsafe for both employees. Coal companies have been working hard to supply the right environment and resources for employees. Furthermore, because the environment is harmfully affected by the activities of coal companies, companies are taking more inaugural to concentrate and take duty for their actions. Investing Policy Recommendations Virginia Tech needs to take corporate societal duty and ethical issues of the coal industry into history when finding its investing determinations. Energy from coal is under a batch of examination in the populace oculus since it is perceived as â€Å" dirty † and outdated engineering. With the hereafter of energy indicating towards clean engineering such as solar and weave energy, Virginia Tech needs to be on the head. They need to put themselves as a taking academic establishment that is traveling off from coal and into clean engineering. The motto for the establishment is â€Å" Invent the Future † ( ) , hence taking the enterprise to be in front of the curve. A A A A A A A When puting the schools endowment financess, it is of import to take ethical issues into history but at the same clip non take a fiscal loss. The great thing about non puting in coal but other engineering is that Virginia Tech is taking ethical issues into history but are besides concentrating the financess into an country that is turning at an exponential rate and will take to fiscal additions instead than losingss. A A A A A A A As a public establishment there is a changeless oculus on Virginia Tech ‘s every move, whether it be policy with pupils, academic rankings, but most significantly where the gift fund decides to put their money. With that being said, it is acceptable to take a fiscal loss because you have to take the social force per unit areas into history. Virginia Tech is closely related to the coal industry, with a coal power works on campus and being located in SouthWest Virginia where the environing countries are heavy in coal and employees many local citizens, so it is a tough pick to non put in coal. Therefore both sides will be showing their sides in the argument over the investing in coal. Virginia Tech will hold the local coal countries experiencing as though the University is non looking out for them and so there will be the group that is in favour of clean engineering and has been seeking to acquire the school to happen a new beginning for power. By puting in other eng ineering, they will be seting money into companies that are developing new engineerings that Virginia Tech will be able to utilize to tackle their ain energy for usage on campus and in the environing countries in the hereafter. As they focus their investings into cleaner energy and taking ethical grounds over fiscal engineering, the public oculus will alter and they will see Virginia Tech as a leader in the hereafter of energy. Investing Recommendations When looking back at our province it is impossible to bury our love matter with fossil fuels. Fossil fuels, and more specifically coal, have been some of the biggest employers and gross bring forthing industries in the province. â€Å" In 2006, the entire value of fossil fuels mined in Virginia was about $ 2.4 billion. A Coal accounted for about 72 per centum ( $ 1.7 billion ) of this entire value, while natural gas accounted for about 28 per centum ( $ 660.3 million ) , and oil less than 1 per centum ( $ 1.1 million ) † ( Virginia Department of Mines Minerals and Energy ) . In recent old ages, harmonizing to Virginia Center for Coal and Research or VEPT, the â€Å" entire sum of coal produced in the state has been a little more than one billion dozenss † , still a immense figure despite the push for new green energy ( VEPT ) . In Virginia, production has been around â€Å" 30 to forty million dozenss, † largely in the southwesterly coalfields ( VEPT ) . A Howeve r, coal production has decreased in the province to around 30 million systematically. Our group would propose Virginia Tech to non put in fossil fuels and specifically coal excavation as coal monetary values have decreased while the costs for obtaining and runing mines have increased. This is due to a figure of factors, one of the most of import is the tendency of coal excavation traveling westward to provinces like Wyoming where excavation is cheaper and easier due to the geological conditions. One major job is that about all coal mines in the Appalachian country are belowground mines in contrast to their western opposite numbers which tend to be surface mines leting for easier and cheaper extraction. Virginia besides has had a long history of coal excavation which has led to the depletion of easy gettable reservoirs coercing excavation houses to look for untapped militias in potentially more dearly-won and hard locations ( VEPT ) . There are many effects attributed to the usage of fossil fuels, from wellness concerns such as higher rates of asthma in countries with heavy pollution, but besides the potentially annihilating effects of planetary heating ( M.A. Palmer 148 ) . These are merely a few of the ethical concerns confronting an industry every bit controversial as the coal industry. Specifically, the coal industry creates many issues for the environments that contain coal mines. Coal mines generate big sums of solid waste particularly when sing that several coal excavation companies engage in the pattern of mountaintop remotion. Mountaintop excavation uses explosives to expose the coal seams and transform what would hold been belowground excavation to a signifier of surface excavation. This is a common method of excavation in the Appalachian Mountains. Surveies have shown that mountaintop excavation has had really serious effects for the environment. One of the biggest impacts of this signifier of excavatio n is the taint of local water partings. This is caused by puting the unsought stuffs created by exposing the coal seam in vales or â€Å" filler holes † which necessarily ends up polluting watercourses that finally flow into the watershed. Exposure to these watercourses have been shown to take to hospitalization for a assortment of wellness concerns including ; â€Å" Ratess of mortality, lung malignant neoplastic disease, every bit good as chronic bosom, lung and kidney disease are besides increased † ( M.A. Palmer 148 ) . A A A A A A A A A A Alternatively of puting in more untapped militias our group would alternatively look towards more renewable resources to cover our energy demands. The energy produced in Virginia histories for less than half the entire energy consumed in the province taking to the obvious decision that the province relies on other beginnings to supply energy. A Based on estimations by The U.S. Energy Information Administration, Virginia Energy ingestion was estimated to be 2,558 trillion BTU while the energy produced as fossil fuels mined in Virginia energy consumed as about 28 % of entire ingestion ; including all energy signifiers non merely. In Virginia Coal-fired power workss remains the largest ball of electrical power coevals in the province with 45 % ( Virginia Department of Mines and Minerals and Energy ) . Decision After reexamining the ethical issues, force per unit areas, and societal duty activities we have concluded that although the coal industry is profitable, it would be unethical for Virginia Tech ‘s gift to put in the industry. By traveling off of the slogan â€Å" Invent the Future, † we recommend that Virginia Tech take into history the ethical picks in cleaner engineering, hence puting in a cleaner hereafter for both the school and environing countries. How to cite Coal Industrys Ethical Analysis Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Strategic Management of HOTS Hotel Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management of HOTS Hotel. Answer: Introduction Strategic hotel management refers to the implementation and the formulation of the business goal in the context of the hospitality sector. In order to gain competitive advantage strategicmanagement is crucial for the hospitality sector by analyzing its micro and macro environment (Harrington, Chathoth, Ottenbacher Altinay, 2014). The objectives, plan, and design of a business are developed by thestrategic management planning. This study deals with thestrategic management of HOTS hotel in the context of Australia. The analysis of the environmental factors in the context of this business will be analyzed in this section. Analysis of Macro and Micro-environment: PEST analysis in the context of HOTS Political factor The political environment of Australia is stable as the government in Australia changes after 3 years. On the other hand, Australia is a democratic nation thus the political rules do not affect the flow of the business in this country (Galliers Leidner, 2014). This will give a good opportunity to the HOTS hotel to enhance their business as well strategic management approach in this country. Economic factor Australia is one of the growing economic countries among the developing countries. Its high GDP ensures its stable economic status. However, the commercial property price is high (Pavlatos Odysseas, 2015). Despite this stable economy economic recession in the year 2008 has left a negative impact on the Australian economy. Therefore, the hospitality sectors in Australia have been growing rapidly, which ensures that HOTS hotel will expand their business in Australia by establishing headquarters in this country. Social factor The social factor is a big economic factor that leaves a big impact on the external environment in a business. Australia is a multicultural country with a huge number of immigrants. On the other hand, maximum people of Australia belong from the working class and they focus on high lifestyle (Kremer Symmons, 2015). This will bring a good opportunity for the HOTS hotel to maximize their performance by getting a large number of visitors in Australia. Technological factor Australia is one of the developing countries with rapidly emerging technology. This country contributes a good value in the RD program. As a result, the country is technologically more advanced (Pavlatos Odysseas, 2015). The hospitality industry gets a scope to utilize the technology to grow their business by embracing customer-oriented strategy in their business activity. Porter Five Forces analysis in the context of HOTS hotel Application of the Porter's Five Forces model is an effective approach to analyze the external environment of an organization as well as the competitive advantage of an organization. A threat of new entrants, industry rivalry, bargaining power of the customers, bargaining power of the suppliers and threat of alternative product are the major components of this model (Dobbs, 2014). Threat of new entrants In the context of Australia, the threat of new entrants is low. However, in hospitality industry huge funding is required. Treat of the new entrants is a big challenge in any business industry (Yunna Yisheng, 2014). For the HOTS hotel, the entry of new business in the similar industry is quite difficult. Bargaining power of the buyer The bargaining power of the customers refers to the capacity of the customers to lower the price of a product or a service (Mathooko Ogutu, 2015). This depends on the number of customers that a company has. In the context of Australia, a major number of international tourists come as they have a high attraction towards the Australian tourist's spots. On the other hand, they are more concerned about the quality of the hotels in Australian hospitality sector. Thus, bargaining power of the customers is medium in the context of HOTS hotel. Bargaining power of the supplier Bargaining power of the suppliers refers the capacity of the suppliers to maximize the price of the raw materials. This depends on the number of the suppliers present in an organization and how much cost is required for an organization to switch from one supplier to another (Yunna Yisheng, 2014). In Australia many suppliers are present as a result; the power of the suppliers is low in the context of HOTS hotel. Industry rivalry Industry rivalry focuses on the existing competitors in the similar industry and same market segment. The number of competitors in the same industry and their capacity to threaten will be analyzed to understand the current competition. In the context of HOTS hotel this is high as in Australian hospitality industry there are many strong competitors as this industry is going rapidly. As for example, Qualia Great barrier reef, Bamurru Plains and Longitude 131 are the major competitors of HOTS hotel in Australia. Threat of substitute products The substitute threat is high for HOTS hotel as many competitors offer the similar alternative products. In the hospitality industry, the maximum products are similar and contain same price due to huge competition (Dobbs, 2014). Thus, there is a big threat of the alternative product in the context of HOTS hotel. Porters Value chain analysis Porter value chain analysis highlights the way through which an organization creates their business value by using the raw materials to create the high-quality products or service. Inbound logistics, outbound logistics, marketing, service, and operation are the major elements of the Porter value chain (Savino, Manzini Mazza, 2015). In the context of HOTS hotel, their logistics process is effective as it utilizes the resources properly as a result, this organization is able to create value for them and to achieve the competitive advantage. HOTS hotel provides mainly the accommodation facilities especially the room facilities. However, the sales and marketing department focus more on the investment of each aspect of the operation process. Therefore, every step of the business operation in HOTS hotel includes a dynamic nature to add value in the business by gaining competitive advantage. They have regular monitoring process for their entire service process and they keep low inventory t o reduce the waste as well as the operation cost. Discussion of the overarching business strategy Vision: The vision of HOTS hotel is to enhance the customer loyalty by having a long-term impact on their customers those come to visit in their organization. They focus to leave a positive impact on both local and potential customers. HOTS hotel wants to be the first choice in the Australian hospitality industry. As a small and medium-sized organization it will be difficult for HOTS hotel to cover a large portion of the Australian hospitality sector in the first year. Mission: The mission of HOTS hotel is to reveal their business scope in front of their employees and to allocate the resources properly as per the requirement. Ethics, objectives and the CSR activities in business The main business objectives of HOTS hotel are: To understand the current market demand To satisfy the customers by using strategic hospitality management To gain competitive advantage by making competitor analysis Trustworthiness, fairness and the accountability are the main three business ethics of HOTS hotel. However, it is crucial for a business to keep transparency to build trust in the customer domain (Diffley, McCole Carvajal-Trujillo, 2018). However, HOTS hotel focuses on the customer-centric business and they make an online transaction by keeping the customer information confidential. The hospitality sector needs to take CSR activities in their organization to create the brand awareness and to retain the employees (Kim, Rhou, Uysal Kwon, 2017). However, employees always prefer to work with an organization that has a positive image in the market (Kim,Woo, Uysal Kwon, 2018). In the context of HOTS hotel, they have taken 3Rs approach to implement the greening operation in their supply chain management. This CSR activity is one vital part of their strategic management. Such 3Rs approach allows this organization to reduce, recycle and reuse the waste that occurs in their supply chain management. Discussion of the strategic direction The established vision, mission, CSR activity and business objectives affect operation process of HOTS hotel. In the recent years, the hospitality sector has been facing challenges due to the continuously changing demand of the customers (Gannon, Roper Doherty, 2015). This is the main issue of HOTS hotel as they are facing difficulties to satisfy the customers. Implementation of the positioning strategy will leave a positive impact on this organization. This strategy will help them to make an analysis of the products, service and the status of the competitors. They their levels of the managers such as top, middle and low-level managers are involved in the implementation of this strategy through managing changes, solving a problem and maximizing the performance of the organization. Positioning strategy will be applied to differentiate the products of HOTS hotel from their competitors by taking customer insight analysis. This will be effective to increase the revenue by satisfying the customers. As this decision will be taken in the next year then the company has no need to worry about the increase of local community as well as the potential customers number. Recommendations Use of low pricing strategy will be helpful for HOTS hotel to maximize the number of customers by covering customers from all classes. Market analysis strategy will be beneficial to enhance the revenue by identifying the current market need and the position of the competitors. Based on such analysis HOTS hotel will offer innovative service to enhance their sale. By utilizing the modern technology and choosing the right target audience HOTS can improve the Mgt. Providing the discount to FB section during the festive season will be an effective approach for HOTS hotel to increase their sale. Conclusion The entire piece of work reveals the vision, mission, objectives, CSR activity and the strategic direction in the context of HOTS hotel. However, adoption of the positioning strategy will be beneficial for them to cope up with their current problems. Therefore, development of the customer-centric business is their main aim, which can be fulfilled by this strategy. Moreover, it can be concluded that integration of the strategic hospitality management with the CSR activities will be an effective approach for the HOTS hotel. References Diffley, S., McCole, P., Carvajal-Trujillo, E. (2018). Examining social customer relationship management among Irish hotels.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Dobbs, M. (2014). Guidelines for applying Porter's five forces framework: a set of industry analysis templates.Competitiveness Review,24(1), 32-45. Galliers, R. D., Leidner, D. E. (Eds.). (2014).Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Gannon, J. M., Roper, A., Doherty, L. (2015). Strategic human resource management: Insights from the international hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,47, 65-75. Harrington, J., R., K. Chathoth, P., Ottenbacher, M., Altinay, L. (2014). Strategic management research in hospitality and tourism: past, present and future.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,26(5), 778-808. Kim, H. L., Rhou, Y., Uysal, M., Kwon, N. (2017). An examination of the links between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its internal consequences.International Journal of Hospitality Management,61, 26-34. Kim, H., Woo, E., Uysal, M., Kwon, N. (2018). The effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on employee well-being in the hospitality industry.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 78-100. Kremer, P. D., Symmons, M. A. (2015). 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The competition situation analysis of shale gas industry in China: Applying Porters five forces and scenario model.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,40, 798-805.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Music Industry

Music In The Digital Age At a time were the delivery of music is changing forms from a product based container to a digital stream of information, the explosion of Internet based record labels are springing out all over the world. While the Major labels are in court trying to secure there future in the delivery of music, do-it-yourself (DIY) companies are not wasting any time adopting a new business model of digital distribution. Digital music in MP3 format has increased in popular over the past several years, as music consumers download from Internet Web-sites or trade through online peer-to-peer sharing services, which have flourished in recent years. The Major record labels argue that MP3 downloads violate copyright laws, as the record companies are unable to collect royalties on songs copied, traded, or downloaded (O’Connor). Despite the music industry’s protests, a significant movement towards a digital music format has elevated. â€Å"Lawmakers have been increasingly vocal about their de sire to see progress in the online music business, instead of a series of lawsuits and business failures† (Borland). The Affects Of Globalization On Music The Affects of Globalization on Music â€Å"Won’t you help me sing these songs of freedom?† -Bob Marley The influence that music has throughout the world is immeasurable. Music evokes many feeling, surfaces old memories, and creates new ones all while satisfying a sense of human emotion. With the ability to help identify a culture, as well as educate countries about other cultures, music also provides for a sense of knowledge. Music can be a tool for many things: relaxation, stimulation and communication. But at the same time it can also be a tool for resistance: against parents, against police against power. Within the reign of imported culture, cross cultivation and the creation of the so-called global village lies the need to expand horizons to engulf more than just wha... Free Essays on Music Industry Free Essays on Music Industry Music In The Digital Age At a time were the delivery of music is changing forms from a product based container to a digital stream of information, the explosion of Internet based record labels are springing out all over the world. While the Major labels are in court trying to secure there future in the delivery of music, do-it-yourself (DIY) companies are not wasting any time adopting a new business model of digital distribution. Digital music in MP3 format has increased in popular over the past several years, as music consumers download from Internet Web-sites or trade through online peer-to-peer sharing services, which have flourished in recent years. The Major record labels argue that MP3 downloads violate copyright laws, as the record companies are unable to collect royalties on songs copied, traded, or downloaded (O’Connor). Despite the music industry’s protests, a significant movement towards a digital music format has elevated. â€Å"Lawmakers have been increasingly vocal about their de sire to see progress in the online music business, instead of a series of lawsuits and business failures† (Borland). The Affects Of Globalization On Music The Affects of Globalization on Music â€Å"Won’t you help me sing these songs of freedom?† -Bob Marley The influence that music has throughout the world is immeasurable. Music evokes many feeling, surfaces old memories, and creates new ones all while satisfying a sense of human emotion. With the ability to help identify a culture, as well as educate countries about other cultures, music also provides for a sense of knowledge. Music can be a tool for many things: relaxation, stimulation and communication. But at the same time it can also be a tool for resistance: against parents, against police against power. Within the reign of imported culture, cross cultivation and the creation of the so-called global village lies the need to expand horizons to engulf more than just wha...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Film Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film Worksheet - Essay Example Everyone in the hall was excited to watch the film due to the good reviews. I brought nuts and a few other snacks with me to enjoy through the course of the film. Because Boyhood was a coming of age film, the film involved camera technicalities in order to create a temporally shifting experience through time. The film is based on a young boy named Mason who is shown growing up over a period of 12 years. As Mason grows up, the film has captured the experiences and changing personality of a child who grows up to a young man. Hence, time is a prominent element in terms of film making in which the director, Richard Linklater has exploited the use of camera technologies to create the intended effect the situated across time. Mason is 6 years old as the film starts and by the time film gets over, he has already turned 18, a mature individual. Instead of showing the process of growing up in one moment of a scene, the director has used time lapse in order to show the entire transformation to childhood to boyhood. Judging from the name of the film as well, Boyhood is meant to be the essence of the film and time lapse filming really engenders the tempo rally situated transformation that occurs through time. The film successfully retained my attention throughout the film. I was interested to watch more and follow the story as it developed in time. In terms of the narrative part of the literary aspect, the film involved a strong storyline and one which is a crucial subject in the present times, which is, growing up. The process of growing up based much of the storyline when a child goes on from being an innocent young individual to one who is old enough to understand some serious matters. The narrative progresses with the film as seen through the lens of the child, Mason, himself. A state of disequilibrium is inherent in the process as growing up itself involves disruption. Growing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Working Conditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Working Conditions - Essay Example As we all very well know, nuclear blasts are the worst and it is up to nuclear engineers to ensure that the radioactive substances operate at optimal temperature. Furthermore, a nuclear engineer is often expected to risk his life and health every time he or she enters the reactor chamber (Mulembo, 2007). Employees of this nuclear plant are adequately informed regarding the risks involved in working in such stations. Protective gears are often provided the management that provides protection from the emitted radiation emanating from the decaying radioactive substance (Rajput, 2006). Furthermore, education regarding the dangers of exposure to radiation is well known to the employees and hence makes sure that they minimally expose them to the radiations (Rajput, 2006). Furthermore, the government has regulations regarding the working conditions and the amount of radiation expected at the working place as it protects the employees’ rights of a favourable working environment (Rajput, 2006). There are also other environmental and work policies regarding the amount of radiation that can be exposed to a given individual. I do not feel the risk is acceptable as radiation ultimately results in cell damage that eventually leads to cancer development. Hence such a risk is a ticking time bomb for the workers and is unacceptable (Rajput, 2006). The risk involved in this job far much more out ways benefits since radiation exposure usually result in changes a cellular

Monday, November 18, 2019

Managing financial resources and development editing Essay

Managing financial resources and development editing - Essay Example The company can also increase or improve on its sales so that however much the payments are, the receipts will still be more in order to for the company to meet its current liabilities Net Present Value is the difference between the present value of the cash inflows and the present value of the net outflows. Project cash flows are discounted using an appropriate rate, which is the minimum rate of return required by the investor. In the case of these two projects; Alpha and Beta projects, the discounting rate is 10% which is used to calculate the discounting factors with the formula 1/(1 + r)n where r is the discounting rate and n is the number of years. The appropriate cash flows are the after tax cash flows, therefore the net cash flows should be estimated on the after tax basis. However, in these projects, there was no tax involved and no project had a residual value after the completion period of 5 years. Computation of cash flows requires a special treatment of non-cash expenses such as depreciation though in these projects, there is no depreciation considered. However, in case of depreciation, it has an indirect effect on the cash flow since it is a tax deduc tion expense. The general criteria for Net Present Value is that the project with a negative net present value should be undertaken since it increases the wealth of the shareholders and a project with a negative net present value should not be undertaken since it reduces the wealth of the shareholders. In a case where the manager is faced with several projects and would like to choose one to implement, then the net present values of all the projects will be calculated and compared. The project with the highest net present value should be preferred to the others with low net present value. Considering these two projects: the project Alpha and project Beta, both the projects will last for 5 years and will have a discounting rate of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Preventing the Spread of Nosocomial Infections

Preventing the Spread of Nosocomial Infections Thomas Elliott   Nosocomial is a term derived from two Greek words: nosus meaning a diseaseor ailment and komeion meaning to take care of. By definition, nosocomial infections are those that are acquired by patients while under direct medical care. Nosocomial infections are a major safety concern for both medical professionals and their patients and have been linked to an increase in morbidity, mortality and an increase length of stay (Mehta et al., 2014). These patients require more therapeutic and diagnostic interventions, endure preventable suffering, and occupy scarce bed-days. This has a systemic effect on our medical infrastructure, forcing hospitals to spend more. Consequently, insurance companies bridge the gap by charging more for their benefits. Nurses have the responsibility of beneficence and play a crucial role in stopping the spread of nosocomial infections. It is the foundation on which our nursing procedures and techniques are grounded. The American Nurses Association (ANA) promotes e vidence-based practices that can be utilized by clinicians to prevent nosocomial infections so that, in collaboration with the Affordable Care Act, patients will have more knowledge about the care they receive, better outcomes and shorter hospital stays. Preventing nosocomial infections in patients is a major responsibility for nurses as well as other healthcare providers because it greatly reduces patient mortality, length of stay and health care costs. I worked with a 77-year-old male patient who was recovering from multiple ailments on the intensive care floor. He contracted ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) after being on mechanical ventilation for 30 days. Upon treatment of his pneumonia, he developed multiple drug resistant organisms from his antibiotic therapy rendering his illness virtually incurable. Ventilator associated pneumonia is a nosocomial infection and patients have a 1%-4% chance of contracting this illness for every day they are on mechanical ventilation (Chastre Fagon, 2002). This disease is preventable and two questions have been formulated to explore strategies on its prevention: What is the most important aspect of patient care for the prevention of transmission of nosocomial infections and what patient p opulations are the most vulnerable? Aseptic technique is a procedural process by which a clinician establishes an environment that is free from bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms in order to provide care to a patient. This technique is required anytime that a patients skin is perforated or when a sterile body cavity is entered such as when providing ventilator care (Schub Woten, 2015). It includes meticulous hand hygiene and the use of sterile attire and equipment. Approximately one third of nosocomial infections occur when aseptic technique is not followed and is transmitted from patient to patient through direct contact by a healthcare provider (Lewis et al, 2011, p. 240).   Because a large portion of nosocomial infections are transmitted by healthcare providers, proper hand washing and the use of protective equipment are the single most important measures in infection control (Saloojee Steenhoff, 2001). The hands are the most common way microorganisms are transmitted between patients, so it is imperative for health care providers to wash their hands vigorously for 15 seconds before and after leaving the room and when moving from one task to another (Mehta et al., 2014). These guidelines are backed by evidence-based practice and are established to protect patients, especially those who are the most vulnerable to infection. Patients receiving health care are exposed to a variety of different microorganisms from clinicians, other patients and even from hospital visitors. Susceptibility can be attributed to both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The most important intrinsic factor that determines susceptibility towards acquiring nosocomial infections is age. Older adults and the elderly population are two to three times more likely to develop nosocomial infections than the younger population (Lewis et al, 2011, p. 240).   Typically, the elderly have more comorbidities, are more immunocompromised and have longer hospital stays which increases their chances of developing nosocomial infections. Extrinsic factors include surgical or invasive procedures such as the use of a ventilator, organ transplants, implanted foreign bodies or immunosuppressive medications and personal exposure. These extrinsic factors bypass the normal defensive barriers of the skin and mucous membranes, providing foci where organi sms can flourish. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors can be controlled by healthcare providers through the application and knowledge of evidence-based infection control practices such as aseptic technique. Patients have very little control over the factors that affect their health during hospitalization and rely on the healthcare providers to stay diligent. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in coordination with the American Nurses Association (ANA) has implemented strategies for clinicians to both reduce the likelihood of nosocomial infections and empower patients with knowledge regarding which hospitals provide the safest practices. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was established to provide health insurance for all Americans and to equip them with adequate knowledge regarding the risks and benefits of where they are receiving their care. Although patients covered under the act will not need to pay out of pocket for the treatment of nosocomial infections, they will need to pay for insurance claims related to medications, follow-up care, lab work and rehab. These claims can drag on for years. Because patient safety is a top priority, the ACA has rolled out a mandate which requires hospitals to be held accountable for nosocomial infections. This includes improving infrastructure, insurance requirements as well as reduced payments from Medicare and state Medicaid programs.   The ACA has also established a uniform online reference center for the public to utilize which allows them to check the prevalence of nosocomial infections at their local hospitals. Patients can then make educated decisions on where they ar e likely to receive the safest healthcare. Patient perception of the environment and care they receive is tied to financial incentives for hospitals which is measured by patient satisfaction surveys. The survey includes questions that ask patients about the perceived cleanliness of the hospital, quality of care and if they would recommend the specific hospital. These elements included in the ACA are designed to protect, educate and to empower patients to make the right healthcare decisions. The American Nurses Association (ANA) as well has developed evidence-based guidelines for nurses and other healthcare providers to utilize in order to prevent nosocomial infections and improve patient outcomes. Emergent threats to patient safety, such as nosocomial infections, during a hospital stay require nurses and other healthcare providers to be equipped and educated with the latest research to protect themselves and their patients against infection. The ANA in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed a specialty organization called the Nursing Infection Control Education Network (NICE Network) which provides training courses for nurses to improve adherence to infection prevention practices. This program keeps nurses up-to-date on the latest research regarding infection prevention such as vigorous hand washing for 15 seconds and the use of gloves, gown and a mask when working in a sterile environment (ANA, 2017). These measures are aimed at reducing healthcare costs for patients and for improving their outcomes. The ANA described this method of care through the use of an inverted pyramid of priorities. This model represents primary care as the foundation of our nursing practice and should be the highest priority for providing care by focusing on prevention of complications and adverse events (American Nurses Association, 2008). This shift of thinking requires nurses to assume a more holistic approach to their practice not only by focusing on the physical ailment of the patient but in caring for the entire person. In so doing, nurses reduce their risk of inadvertently transmitting nosocomial infections to their patients while providing care for another reason. Health care is becoming less accessible and more expensive for patients so it is imperative that providers stay diligent and safe with their practices as to not deter people from seeking medical attention. Nurses and other health care providers do not intend to spread disease but unfortunately, they become the vectors and can spread infection to their patients without knowing it. This is why the ANA has implemented simple, evidenced-based preventative strategies to be taught in the form of classes to significantly reduce transmission rates and to increase compliance with and adoption of safest evidence-based practices by health care providers. The ACA has established a form of accountability for hospitals along with providing the general public with information regarding nosocomial infections at their local hospitals. These measures have been implemented to protect our patients, especially the most vulnerable from acquiring these infections and to reduce the overall rate nationwide o f nosocomial infections.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

All throughout history we’ve encountered people trying to contain and cage in people in about almost anything from a bathroom to an interment camp. Although these attempts to contain and imprison humans for no correct motive have been futile, These incidents do of course leave their marking and change society a responsibility that comes upon wrong doings. They change people in society like, Fred Korematsu ,born in the U.S. in 1919. His parents were born in Japan. Since he was born in the U.S. he was a citizen. He grew up like a normal kid in California. He had a normal childhood, until the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1942. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were regarded as a threat to the U.S. Things was soon to dramatically change for all the Japanese, including our own Fred Korematsu, an American- Japanese. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were regarded as a threat to the United states of America. This then led President Roosevelt issued Executive order 9066, also know as the Exclusion Order. This Order stated that any descendents or immigrants from enemy nations who might be a threat to U.S. security will report to assembly centers for Internment. There were no trials or hearings. They were forced to evacuate and many lost their homes and their businesses. Fred Korematsu refused to go. He was a U.S. citizen so he felt like he had no real duty to leave, since he was obviously from there. Roosevelt had violated Korematsu's basic constitutional rights and every other Japanese-American. The fourth amendment states itself, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no wa... ... incident they have apologized, telling us that this incident was â€Å"big† for them and they had to take up the other end and do the right thing finally. Not only did they correct themselves, but it also shows the world how human their country is, how opinions are able to change over time, and how they do change! In 1998 President Clinton presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Korematsu. "In the long history of our country's constant search for justice, some names of ordinary citizens stand for millions of souls," Clinton with out doubt kew the Fred Korematsu had this then president Clinton finally put the Presidential Medal of Freedom on him. Clinton said, recalling the names of civil rights pioneers, "to that distinguished list, today we add the name of Fred Korematsu." Fred Korematsu had finally got his victory, his voice was finally heard. He was correct.