Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Literary Devices In Hamlet - 844 Words

Shakespeares purpose is to show us the process that Hamlet goes through to make a decision, even if he still struggles with indecisiveness. Shakespeare isn’t talking about if Hamlet is making the right decision, but he focuses on how he always second guesses himself and overthinks. He used literary devices in Act II. Scene ii. Lines 525-584 like tone, imagery, foreshadowing, and ambiguity to convey his message in the writing. Hamlet always second guesses himself about if he should fulfill his fathers last wishes, Shakespeare uses tone to show us how Hamlet was feeling. In Act II. Scene ii. Line 571, he uses the words such as â€Å"Rogue and peasant slave am I!† and line 547, â€Å"Am I coward?† It shows us Hamlet doesn’t know if he really†¦show more content†¦This is almost out of character, just a few moments ago Hamlet was being hard on himself but now he is being cocky. Not only is he indecisive about his plan to kill Claudius, but then he also becomes insecure and depressive again. For example for lines 562-564, â€Å"Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, like a whore, unpack my heart with words and fall a-cursing like very drab,† Shakespeare uses imagery to show us Hamlet’s father wants revenge but Hamlet just sits around, does nothing, just thinking instead of actually doing something. Shakespeare is known for using foreshadowing, and ambiguity in many of his plays; for instance in lines 566-570, â€Å"Hum, I have heard that guilty creatures sitting at a play have, by the very cunning of the scene, been struck so to the soul that presently they have proclaimed their malefactions,† Shakespeare had Hamlet write a play, which was the exact way his father was murdered. Hamlet thought about this so much, he wants to know if Claudius really committed this crime, the artistry would make him confess. Which in Act III. Scene 2, Claudius gets up from the play, seeing his crime come to life. Also in line 563, â€Å"Like a whore, unpack my heart with words,† Hamlet calls Ophelia a whore in a later scene, and because Hamlet killed her father, Polonius, which made her insane. Ophelia used the words in Act IV. Scene 5. Lines 53-54, â€Å"Let in the maid that out a maid, never departed more,† andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Shakespeare: A Literary Grandmaster69 9 Words   |  3 Pagesand especially the king of England. Although an entertaining storyline does earn one respect as a writer/poet. It was Shakespeare’s masterful use of literary devices that garners the respect and acknowledgement of many modern day professors. In Act 3, Scene 1, Hamlet begins a soliloquy in which Shakespeare showcases his literary genius. A literary device that is often overlooked in the Early Modern period of Europe is the utilization of soliloquys to give insight to a character’s inner thoughts. PerhapsRead MoreHamlet: Analytical Essay About Style834 Words   |  4 PagesHamlet has style. 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