Friday, June 5, 2020

Medicine Article Motivation - 550 Words

Medicine Article: Motivation (Article Sample) Content: MotivationStudent:Professor:Course title:Date:MotivationLochner, L., Wieser, H., Mischo-Kelling, M. (2012). A Qualitative Study of the Intrinsic Motivation of Physicians and other Health Professionals to Teach. International Journal of Medical Education, 3:209-215 At present, there is no research study that has explicitly investigated the internal factors for doctors and other healthcare workers to teach (Lochner, Wieser Mischo-Kelling, 2012). The title of the selected research article is appropriate to the focus considering that the article is research-based in which Lochner, Wieser and Mischo-Kelling (2012) sought to investigate the intrinsic motivation of doctors and other health professionals to teach Bachelor-level courses in health care. The problem/issue is described explicitly in this research-based article. Lochner, Wieser and Mischo-Kelling (2012) point out that even though there is evidence that the motivation of a teacher to teach has a direct impact on the learners eagerness and interest for the subject and achievement level, there is limited research in this area. The topic of teacher motivation is considered an area that has been overlooked. There is relevant review of literature in the article. Lochner, Wieser and Mischo-Kelling (2012) stated that research literature is largely focused on secondary and primary education. They added that relevant handbooks of higher education teaching usually talk about motivation of students, whilst motivation of teacher is not explored. Still on review of literature, Lochner, Wieser and Mischo-Kelling (2012) noted that studies in medical education looked at incentives and motives to teach and obstacles encountered. However, the aim of the majority of these studies was to improve recruitment of community doctors. On the whole, the review of literature demonstrated that doctors and other health professionals consider internal factors such as personal satisfaction, intellectual satisfaction, hel ping others, and enjoyment of teaching as the main motivators for teaching, whereas external factors such as monetary reward ranked much lower. The objective of their study was to investigate the intrinsic motivation of doctors and other health professionals to teach. There is theoretical rational used in the study. Lochner, Wieser and Mischo-Kelling (2012) refer to the Ryan and Decis Self-determination Theory (SDT). SDT provides a well-established framework that is useful in examining the things that motivate health professionals to teach and the things that drive them toward improving their teaching performance. Ryan and Deci distinguishes between intrinsic motivation, which is understood as doing something for the innate satisfaction derived from the activity itself; and extrinsic motivation, doing something because it results in a separate outcome (Lochner, Wieser Mischo-Kelling, 2012). Regarding the method used, this was a qualitative research study and in-depth interviews wit h open-ended questions were used in the collection of data. Qualitative research methods are considered as more effective compared to quantitative methods in ascertaining the motivational processes as well as dynamics in teaching (Lochner, Wieser Mischo-Kelling, 2012). A purposive opportunity sample that comprised 8 doctors and other health care professionals employed at the College of Healthcare Professionals in Bozen, Italy participated. There are not any probable sources of error that might influence the study results. In data analysis, the data was organized into themes, and 4 themes were identified which indicated an intrinsic motivation to teach. The findings of the research study have been presented in a coherent manner, clear and logical manner. The results of the study revealed the respondents had much enthusiasm in the subject of their instruction and in their field of practice. They reported an internal desire of imparting knowledge for its own sake and demonstrated con cern for the effectiveness of their teaching. They also enjoyed their own learning as they teach. They were also interested in establishing rapport with students (Lochner, Wieser Mischo-Kelling, 2012). The study has lim...

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